Body Language & Positive Change
On Wednesday, 23rd July, Pennyhill Park Hotel, Bagshot, Surrey It was for all the heads of department including the General Manager and focused on the role of Body Language in conflict resolution.
One of the main goals of the Hospitality Industry is to make customers happy and pander to their every whim. Sadly, it also means that these people are vulnerable to mistreatment from a minority of customers who take advantage of the service provided to the point of being abusive.
Christopher Barr and I created and performed a bespoke workshop exploring these issues and providing techniques and strategies to better deal with these situations in the future.
These included role play, Alexander Technique, grounding exercises, breathing techniques, voice work and of course body language.
They were very responsive and I was very impressed with the progress they made.
Sebastian Pinn, Operations Manager, sent the following message.
"Just a quick thank you to you and Christopher. I had very good feedback about the session from Wednesday and I am sure there might be need for more in the future."