Full Moon In Gemini
The Full Moon in Gemini on the 6th comes laden with promise. It's an excellent day for communication. If you've been procrastinating about picking up the phone or sending that email, arranging that date - today's the day to move things along. So, jump off the fence and get it done.
Anything to do with education or travel is well especially well aspected. Put some time aside for preparation on anything you want to develop, with a particular focus on the detail. It's no good having a window of opportunity and not being fully prepared. This goes for giving a speech or making a pitch. The devil's in the detail of any task that has importance or will be significant.
If you are doing any form of research, this could be the day you find your Eureka moment. This is a magic time for all community projects, bringing closeness and harmony to your locality. Bonds can be made, friendships celebrated, arguments resolved and tentative loving attraction made stronger!