Full Moon in Pisces
How many of us, for the last week or so, have felt that circumstances have made us feel like we're swimming against the tide? It's no surprise therefore, that we are today experiencing a Full Moon in Pisces, ruled by Neptune, the god of the seas. Some of us may even feel like we're drowning; but what does a Pisces do when they feel overwhelmed? They lie low at the bottom of the ocean until the storm has passed - and it will.
The Sun is in Virgo for most of the month and of course, these two signs are opposite, so the trick is to bring these polar opposites of our being into harmony so that we can make a shift into a better, calmer and more fulfilled place. It may help to know that this Full Moon is not just about being urged to make personal shifts, it's also about the universal energy shifting. Change is always a source of fear because it leads to the unknown, so it's important to trust the moment and your own life skills.
Love is intense, in the first half of the month but it's asking you to look at the details of any personal relationship, to understand and accept the individuality of those you love. If you can do this, relationships can really blossom.
On a lighter note, Jupiter in Leo, can really bring fun into your life, accept any creative opportunity that comes your way. Fun, kills Fear. It could be a really an intense and busy work period but try and stick with it and remain positive because it will bring really beneficial results.
It's also a month not to be afraid of your intuition. Face it fearlessly and trust that you are safe as you listen to its messages and advice. Be grounded and feel your way through it.
We are going through a period of collective change so never feel alone. No matter how isolated you may feel at the moment, remember we are all energetically connected so there is always someone's positive energy reaching and supporting you.
It is a deeply profound Full Moon and one which is encouraging us all to accept the shifts that are happening within is, it will only lead to a better place.