Mercury Goes Direct

Hooray! Mercury, planet of communication, finally goes direct today.  It feels like it's been one of the longest 3 week retrograde periods in history. Anything uncomfortable or challenging that could have come to the surface, did so. But now we have a new month and the opportunity for clear communication. For us to move forward successfully, however, we need to embrace the lessons we have learned during June. As we are now in Cancer, personal and family relationships are highlighted, so it's the emotional lessons that we need to focus on so that we can move forward with confidence. The other big question is, what have you learnt about how you handle emotion; do you lose control, ignore it, or what? We need not to be afraid of our emotions as they're an important part of us. Develop techniques that help you flow with your feelings healthily. And just because Mercury is now direct, it doesn't mean to say you can rush ahead and push everything forward and 100 miles an hour. Develop Subtlety and listen to your intuition.