Mood of the Month - January 2015

As the year opens and we spin through January, look out for innovation of every kind and in every area of your life. We are being encouraged to shake ourselves out of a rut; a new look, a new health style, a new job. For some of you it could mean new love, for others it’s about putting fresh energy into an old and tired relationship. If you’re bored, you’re boring. It takes 2 to change. There could be breakthroughs in the world of medicine and definitely in the world of technology. Sadly there could be unexpected eruptions around the world and some sudden weather hazards. Everything that relates to how the entire world is connected will be highlighted and what happens in one place can affect us all.

Any relationships can grow if friendship and humour are key ingredients. Your lover should be your best friend. All creative and nurturing pursuits get the thumbs up. With Mercury, planet of communication, going retrograde on the 21st, get all transactions and plans firmed up by then and all contracts signed. After the 21st, hang fire until February.

The main message of the month is – Dare to be Different.

GeneralSusie JohnsComment