Mood of the Month - November 2014
We enter the month, still in a high state of passion and intensity, so embrace it rather than run away. Handle, channel your passion rather than drown in it. This way we learn to work with this energy to our advantage. Scorpio is also in Saturn, the learning planet. What lessons do we need to learn? Don't be afraid to ask yourself some deep searching questions. This is the time to find answers from deep within that will liberate you. Add a sprinkling of intuition into the mix and, as the Americans say, 'press reset'. You'll be amazed at the results. The emotional 'hotspots' are the 6th and 22nd which I will talk about on those dates. You should spend the first 10 days of the month seeking balance and harmony wherever you can, be it in a relationship, work/life balance, finances, whatever is screaming out at you. This gives you a firm foundation upon which to move healthy through this intense minefield.
It's an opportune time to seek advancement in your career, especially if it's linked to the Arts, travel or entrepreneurial matters. There are huge unexpected windows of opportunity this month. Don't limit yourself. Bravely and confidently step beyond your boundaries. It's a month of expansion. Focus on magnifying your dreams - just don't magnify your weight!