New Moon in Sagittarius - 22nd November

On the 21st, the Sun and Moon in Scorpio reaches their dramatic climax. Then on the 22nd it's time to take a break from its intensity when the New Moon arrives in Sagittarius. Now it's time to take the emotional and spiritual experiences of the month to a new level. Transform what you feel and believe into something tangible to enhance your life. The Sun and New Moon in Sagittarius encourage us to travel beyond our regular route. Explore your life. Re-examine your belief system. Take a fresh look at yourself in the mirror and see yourself as others see you. Is there something that you want to change? Stretch your mind and challenge your brain. It's a perfect time to plan all travel arrangements. Maybe you'll take up a new sport or a new hobby.

Culturally, you may meet new people with a different take on life. Be open to cultural differences and embrace the new. Don't be afraid to break free of the hum-drum, of doing things because you've always done it. Surprise yourself and see the years fall away as you leave your old baggage behind.

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