Mood of the Month - February 2015
We hit February fitfully because although we are in inspiring, light-hearted Aquarius, we also remain in Mercury retrograde until the 11th. In a nutshell, although you may feel you’re safely treading water, you could suddenly find yourself hit by a tsunami. Be extra vigilant until after the 12th. This month is an opportunity to nurture and revive friendships; to heal wounds and make peace; to bring the humour back into a struggling but worthy relationship or friendship. Also make time to push forward new plans, including crossing the T’s and crossing the I’s on plans already formed. The more unusual the ideas, the better the chance of them developing and taking root.
By the 19th, seeds should be firmly sewn whether of a project or a friendship because on this day we move into Pisces which is prone to encourage indecision and vagueness. It’s not all bad as Pisces is also about love, romance, compassion and expansion of big dreams. It’s interesting that you find people with Pisces in their chart will be working in the movies, the Arts, HR and the caring professions.
Let’s take a moment to raise a glass to Mercury, planet of communication as it turns direct on 12th. Peace is restored. Between the 12th and 20th is good time to heal rifts and misunderstandings; to re-ignite energy into anything that has become stuck or temporarily shelved. This could be a busy time for many of us. The best way forward, for the best long-term results is to not leave any stone unturned during this period.
Jupiter, planet of hope and expansion, remains retrograde in Leo all month. We need to continually monitor our emotional barometer. Do not implode emotions and bring unnecessary stress and illness to your body. Conversely, don’t lash out unless it’s on the treadmill or at the punchbag. The best thing to do is to put energy into developing creative talent and potential. Discover the inner creative you. Lesson of the month is education through travel and multi-cultural activities. Sport and fitness is also well aspected.
Be adaptable as sudden changes will occur throughout the year. There could be a lot of starts that go nowhere. Don’t be disheartened. We just need one relationship, one work opportunity to take hold and you’ll be up and away.