Mood of the Month - May 2015
A month of sensuality and fun if you’re open to it. Expose yourself and come out of hiding. Enjoy nature, enjoy being a part of the earth’s energy. Feel a part of the human race all over the world. Even in our darkest hour we are never alone. Nurture your body and feel yourself getting stronger, more able to tackle those practical tasks; be kind to your heart, feed it with treats to yourself and avoid unnecessary conflict and disappointment.
Feed your mind with inspirational thoughts and starve those nagging, fretful messages that you have allowed to go round in a perpetual loop. Ultimately, feed your soul with faith and belief. Feel whole. Saturn is still retrograde in Sagittarius all month so it’s this ongoing journey of self-discovery. Never stop searching deep into your soul. You may surprise yourself with what you may find.
Jupiter, now firmly direct in Leo in encouraging fun, laughter and creativity. Find your own personal spotlight, turn the light up to ‘eleven’ and step into it with confidence. Of course, there has to be a ‘But’ and I’m afraid it’s good old Mercury going retrograde on the 19th. So use the first half of the month to finalise plans and clear the decks. Forewarned is forearmed.