Mood of the Month – September 2015
OK, so we’re still in prim and proper Virgo, with a handful of lists to tick off before we move into a more balanced Libra on 23rd. It’s got to be done, so knuckle down and get it out of the way. Have you completed all your unfinished tasks from the Summer? Have you got everything prepared for the Autumn and Winter? Is your way ahead as clear as it can be?
To lighten the load however, we have a profound but gentle shift on the 6th when Venus, the planet of love and harmony, goes direct after what seems like an age of being retrograde with its emotional disruption. As it’s in Leo, there is new hope and opportunities to repair relationships. Creative projects could now get the green light. It’s a time for fun and laughter, faith and inspiration. Be bold. This window of opportunity lasts until 9th October. Make your moves before then and don’t procrastinate.
Re-charge your batteries ready for the Autumn ahead. We move into Libra on the 23rd September and we should be thinking of contracts, new careers and cementing all sorts of relationships. Some of you may be deciding that certain relationships have reached their sell by date. If this is you, move cautiously and constructively in extricating yourself. It’s the only way to get through a charged situation without too much fallout. Just keep telling yourself: short term pain, long term gain. Keep in the back of your mind and deep in your heart the fact that benevolent Venus stays direct until March 2017. It’s time to write a new chapter in your life, to have more faith in yourself and make constructive thoughts and actions your default position.
With this in mind, watch your life change for the better.