New Moon in Libra - 13th October 2015

Moon PhasesI wonder how many proposals will happen on this day around the world. Now, before those dyed in the wool singletons switch off, we are not just talking about love. Have you been sitting on an idea and procrastinating for too long? Now is the time to do something about it. What ideas have you got sitting on the back shelves of your brain? This is the moment to get them out, dust them off and stick them under the spotlight. What have you got to lose? Mid-October is a window of opportunity to make peace, whether it’s with a lover, a family member, or whoever. Everything is on your side encouraging you to make peace. Most importantly, if you are carrying guilt, pain or a heavy heart, what good is it doing you, or anyone else for that matter? Make peace with yourself and peace around you will surely follow. It’s a time to invest. What in, is up to you. Interviews and auditions should go well if you’ve previously done your homework. It’s a good time to invest in property or any business venture, but again, only if you’ve done your homework.

Fundamentally, it’s a moment in time to rebalance your life to reset the clock. Welcome this moment without fear, confident that you are ready for change.

GeneralSusie JohnsComment