New Moon in Sagittarius - December 2015

Moon PhasesEvery month there is a New Moon in a particular sign and it’s always when the Sun is also in that sign. So in December the Sun is in Sagittarius and on the 11th, so is the moon. This gives the fresh start associated with a New Moon, so make the most of this fresh impetus. We’re all affected by the planetary changes but obviously if you have a particular planet or sign, strongly featured in your chart, you will feel it more.

Look out for anything to do with travel, foreign languages and new cultures. Sagittarius represents energy, sport and optimism. Whatever challenges you’ve had lately can now be handled with a more positive, ‘can do’ optimism.

Sagittarius is the warm glow, the winter log fire around which everyone bonds and spirits are lifted. This day, the 11th is for fun, friendship and laughter. It’s a moment to make positive choices and new decisions which may blossom over the winter. This is a day to make a fresh start on managing health issues. Get back into exercise by doing something that you enjoy. In this way, you will stick to it. Look at your diet. Again, don’t be too strict – allow yourself to breath otherwise it won’t last 5 minutes.

It’s an auspicious time to plan a romantic trip away. You get triple stars if it includes sport, and no, ‘that’ doesn’t count as a sport! For singles, you are likely to meet someone through unusual interests, sport and travel. Get out there, shift your energy and have fun.

GeneralSusie JohnsComment