The Other Side of Pluto
Pluto fever is worldwide as we gain a whole new level of understanding of this planet. However, let’s not forget the astrological and spiritual side of Pluto. It rules Scorpio and its orbit takes 240 years to complete. It represents rebirth, integration and transformation. Negatively, it can relate to destruction, struggle and obsession. Its function is to help the soul grow through the painful experiences of life which cannot be avoided. It’s through these experiences we become stronger and wiser and as a consequence feel more confident about seizing more challenging and fulfilling opportunities in life.
It influences the masses and group dynamics rather than the individual. I feel that as we are scientifically discovering more about the planet, the door to our spiritual growth and maturity is also opening. This can only happen if we let our intellect and intuition share space in our lives rather than be in conflict.
Until we penetrate our inner depths and find out who and what we are, our life’s purpose will remain vague and unfulfilled. Pluto encourages us to travel inward, to trust our inner light in order to find answers that will deliver peace and happiness. Happiness and security will not come from the external, material world. Money just makes our pain more bearable.
Pluto can be seen as a generational planet, as it changes signs approximately every 20-30 years. This therefore has a different psychological influence on each generation. Remember the ‘ME Generation’ - those people born between 1937-1958 while Pluto was in Leo – sex and drugs and rock & roll; peace, love and everything alternative.
Since 2011, Pluto is in Capricorn, encouraging self-discipline and a need for a world government as technology makes our lives more interdependent no matter where we live. So all babies born after 2011 will have these traits in their personality.
I believe, as we discover more about Pluto, we can discover more about ourselves and our life’s purpose. It’s crucial that we work collectively for the sake of future generations but without losing our individuality. We can tread this middle line if we continue to bear in mind the consequences of all our thoughts and actions. Intellect alone is not fulfilling; we need to balance it with the heightened perception that our intuition brings and an emotional commitment to ourselves and the world around us. The most exciting thing to come out of this is the latest generation of children don’t seem to have this inner battle of intellect over intuition. They are a new breed, one to watch, support and learn from.