Full Moon in Libra - 23rd March 2016

Buddha Moon CabreraThe Full Moon in Libra is also an eclipse whilst the Sun is in Aries. Quite a bit to absorb here but information is power. Although emotions are high, Libra is urging you to seek inner harmony. If your centre of gravity is based nearer to your physical and emotional self, you may be tested with either physical or emotional overreactions. If you tend to shut down and cut off you will be shaken up because locked emotions lead to ill-health over time. Which are you? Learn to set your soul’s centre in a neutral place and allow yourself to flow in a meaningful and positive way. Remember the addition of the eclipse means there’s no place to hide and you shouldn’t want to. It’s a moment to trust your inner light, your inner voice, especially where matters of the heart are concerned. So, clear the decks and look forward to new beginnings as you are wiser now.