Full Moon in Sagittarius – 2nd June 2015

Buddha Moon CabreraWe had the intense Buddha Full Moon in Scorpio last month, clearing the decks and pushing us to seek answers deep in our souls. The reward is this Full Moon, Tuesday, 2nd June, which releases you from all restrictions. You’ve studied hard and are ready to get behind the wheel. Where would you like to go? Opportunities will help make it happen. I’m not talking far flung places around the world, I’m talking mental travel. Use your creativity and your brain to re-imagine your life plan. Alternatively, on a smaller scale re-boot short-term projects – both personal and professional. This is a great time to re-charge your willpower where diets and fitness regimes are concerned. Put the pedal to the metal and move your energy down from your head, into your body.

Study is well aspected too. If you’ve fallen by the wayside, get back on to that Sagittarian horse and gallop unafraid into your future – but maybe wear a safety helmet!