Mercury Goes Direct - Thursday June 11th 2015
Take a big sigh of relief and feel a spring in your step again, Mercury goes direct today after its 3 week bid for freedom. To be fair, it was only trying to help you. Think what has come to the surface during this time; anything you’ve been made to address that you might otherwise have left well alone? Any shocks or pleasant surprises? Put these experiences to good use now. You’ve been on a steep learning curve but you can now assimilate the knowledge you’ve gained and have some fun. Take everything off the pause button and plunge into life. Romance is on the way for singles and if in a relationship already, you could soon be making plans to sink deeper into love; parenthood even for some.
For everyone, don’t be afraid to communicate clearly and calmly your needs and desires, safe in the knowledge that Mercury Retrograde has cleared out the blocks in your way. Everyone should be affected by the lighter, gentler atmosphere that is emerging.