Full Moon in Virgo
Today, we have the Sun in Pisces and the Moon in Virgo so the clue to this day is the inherent tensions between the characteristics of the two signs.
At its simplest, the Moon represents emotion, so its fullness is big emotion but Virgo is control and detail. You already have a bit of conflict here, however, knowing this can be an asset in getting the right result. Focus on small details to get through your many lists, ticking off each item and enjoying it. Feel a real sense of achievement. Think of the space you are creating in your mind and heart. You are free now to clear the decks once and for all. Wind up and park away all that is no longer relevant. Lay the ghosts to rest. In the background the Sun smiles over Pisces, the complete opposite to Virgo. More potential conflict or more clearing the air and freedom. It depends on how you handle everything. Pisces is full on emotion and fantasy therefore, the Full Moon in Virgo can actually help you construct a plan to make your realistic dreams come true.
Left of field, today could be extra important for people with links to Paris, the Middle East, Turkey or Greece. Seize the moment.