2016 is a 9 Year in Numerology
Nine is the ultimate of all the single numbers so this year, focus on making your dreams come true. To do this, you must have a clear plan in your head, a strong desire to see it through, total belief; then it’s just a matter of sowing those seeds and tending them from seedling to fruition. Don’t give in. Be a high achiever. If you develop your compassion and spiritual beliefs and add them into the equation, your talents will be noticed. Show how, although you have innate talents and self-belief, it’s your link to others without need for the spotlight all the time that makes you great, wanted and successful. This also applies to your personal life, to every area of your life, in fact.
Key Positive Words
Gifted, Creative, Leader, Spiritual, Humanitarian, Idealistic
Key Negative Words
Conceited, Self-centred, Fickle, Dissipated, Moody, Impulsive
Key Aims
To focus on your talents and use them
To develop your creativity
To use your high ideals to help others
To expand your spiritual knowledge
To use your lucky streak wisely
Key Dangers
To be jack-of-all-trades and master of none
To waste your natural talents
To block your spiritual nature and intuition
To be careless with money
To see commitment as restrictive
Red, Lavender, Olive, Grey, Yellow
No.9 rules the kidneys and generative organs so vulnerability to illness can be brought on by too much high living, self-indulgence and bad habits. ‘A little of what you fancy …’ should be the motto for a No.9 person. Otherwise, they can swing from total abstinence to total indulgence. Keep your dreams realistic so that disappointment doesn’t lead to comfort eating.