New Moon in Capricorn - January 2016
A day of ambition and staying power. If you ever needed an injection of self-belief and self-determination, this is the day to receive it. With the combined energy of both the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn, the most ambitious sign of the zodiac, anything is possible. It’s known as the mountain goat because, no matter how high the mountain is to climb, it gets there in the end. Plan time slots today to sow those seeds of ambition but remember, no limits.Remember, to sow seeds of health, love, career, finance and self-development. We are not just a brain or a body and our soul wraps it all together. Think about how your short and long-term plans are going to nurture these precious seeds and just like the mountain goat, you’ll get there in the end.
Even though you may need to keep adjusting your route, never give up.