Mood of the Month - February 2020
The Sun in Aquarius at the start of February brings renewed energy and determination for those who wish to embrace the challenge.
The main message being, it’s a very spiritual, psychic, energetic month which can unblock stuck energy that has been sitting in your body since childhood. The thought of facing past trauma can be very intimidating but here the psychic energy is so powerful that we can find ways to rise above the mental and emotional damage through meditation, prayer, or reflection. There is a sense of sharing the healing process with others which can also spill over into being involved in healing the planet too.
Mercury, going retrograde on 16th can actually have a very positive effect upon us all because there could be breakthroughs to help both the planet and ourselves move forward in a more positive and less fearful way. This is a great time to be working on medical or scientific research and development. A great time also to get new creative projects off the ground. Don’t procrastinate.
The Full Moon in Leo on 9th brings drama and heightened energy to an already intense month. Your love life could be shaken up or reborn in time for Valentine’s Day on 14th. Whether you’re in a relationship or not, celebrate your own romantic nature and do something loving and kind for yourself. Celebrate all that you love about yourself but make it a rule not to let the self-saboteur undermine your positivity.
The Sun moves into Pisces on 19th which racks up this energetic and spiritual mood even further. Make it a plan to latch onto optimism and a positive belief throughout this period. You may suddenly find that you have a great idea, vision or shift of life perspective, all of which helps you to move onto a new level, Things may become a lot clearer as the New Moon in Pisces makes its presence felt on 23rd – at this point you may well realise how well you are coping with the challenges you are facing. Don’t carry it all inside or alone and you should end the month a lot lighter, happier and stronger than you started it.
Allow your true self to rise to the surface and lead you further into 2020.